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E-Bike Tour: What to Put in your Backpack for an E Bike Trip

E-bike travel has always been a great way to visit new places freely and respecting the environment.

GUIDE: What type of Cyclist are you?

A Dutch research grouped the different types of cyclist into six categories according to the type of use they make of their bicycle and the needs on the road. Read on to find out ...

GUIDE: How to Choose a Helmet for your Electric Bike

Not mandatory but highly recommended, the bicycle helmet must always be part of the cyclist's basic equipment. Here are our best tips for choosing a bicycle helmet that suits your needs!

GUIDE: The Autonomy of an Electric Bike

The autonomy of an electric bike can vary enormously depending on the type of battery on board, but also based on different criteria such as the type of route taken or the level of assistance...
This is the image of a person carrying an e-bike

GUIDE: The Advantages of an E-Bike

There are more and more reasons to decide to buy a pedal-assisted bicycle: the advantages of an electric bike (compared to a traditional bike) go beyond the benefits for health and the environment...
This is the image of an e-bike locked to a street lamp

GUIDE: How to Protect your E-Bike from Theft

An investment as precious as a pedal-assisted bicycle needs particular attention, especially when you leave it unattended between an excursion and a city tour. Here are some tips on how to tie your...
this is the image of a man riding an e-bike

GUIDE: How to Adjust the Suspension of your e-Bike

A correct configuration of the suspensions is essential in order to optimize the performance of your e-bike, and our goal is to provide you with the information you need to improve the performance of your electric bike. This first...

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