

What is Franchising

The extraordinary business system that offers small businesses the opportunity to start a business, develop it and consolidate it, while minimizing investment and enjoying the great benefits of the economies of scale realized by joining a large group.


Data from recent research, showed that businesses opened under Franchise have prospects of success beyond 5 years after opening, amounting to about the 95%, compared with 35 percent for independent and self-employed businesses.


We can therefore state that the FRANCHISE is undoubtedly the distribution system that most guarantees the entrepreneur in terms of SAFETY and COMPETITIVENESS.


E-BIKE TRAVEL is the first franchising network for the rental and sale of e-bikes in Italy. To date, it has 12 stores already operational and 5 about to open soon.


E-BIKE TRAVEL provides its Affiliates, a "Turnkey" package, which helps them to face without anxieties and worries every operational phase of the business and guarantees them the supply of the best brands of bicycles and accessories, with the most convenient discounts and granting high margins and excellent profit opportunities.


E-BIKE TRAVEL invests large capital to increase visibility and brand awareness nationwide and to enable its Affiliates to be consistently ranked in the top positions of search engines and promoting their business locally.


Joining the network E-BIKE TRAVEL means immediately sharing the brand awareness and prestige built and established over time, immediately becoming a reference point for all those who intend to rent or buy an e-bike.


E-BIKE TRAVEL is the right choice for those who want to improve their working condition, to those who have decided to start their own business, to those who want to increase their earnings, to those who want to join an industry with the highest growth rate worldwide. 


The global market of bicycle rental has seen strong growth, with an increase in valuation from $2.1 billion in 2021 to an expected $11.3 billion in 2031, recording an average percentage growth rate of 18.3% from 2022 to 2031, with the e-bike segment it is expanding rapidly due to its affordability. 


Tourists and cycle tourists are the spearhead of the demand for bicycle rental in Italy, with as many as 6.3 million tourists choosing to cycle during their holidays, driven above all by a legion of foreign visitors.


A good portion, around 30%, is made up of cycle tourists who integrate cycling as an integral part of their travel experience, while the remaining 70% is classified as active tourists, who use the bicycle as an occasional means of transport during their stay. 


The attractiveness of cycle touring opportunities in Italy is not lost even on its citizens who, when planning their getaways, bike hire occupies an impressive third place, with over half citing it as their preferred means of transport. 


Deepening Italy's fervor for the bicycle touring, an impressive number - among the 30 to 35 million attendances recorded in 2022 - highlights a direct economic impact of several billion euros, ensuring that bicycles maintain their importance in both the tourism and rental markets.

The E-BIKE TRAVEL business model

We have created a NEW format characterized by modest initial investments capable of generating earnings for the Affiliate from the first year of activity.

The TRAVEL e-bike franchising offer is not limited to creating a simple commercial relationship with the partner, but gives life to a real communion of intent with the aim of creating value for its Affiliates, contributing to their growth and to their professional and economic realization.

We transfer to our Affiliates our experiences gained in the field, the know-how accumulated over years of work, knowledge of the sector and the possibility of having the best brands on the Italian and European markets available.

To assist our Affiliates at 360°, we wanted to create a simple and clear Franchising Proposal that will allow the Affiliate to transform an idea and an empty place into a real shop, ready to welcome the public in a pleasant and welcoming environment .


The business model is based on the interaction of different sources of income, represented by the rental of e-bikes, the organization of tours with a guide and the repair and maintenance of bikes.

Furthermore, the shop will represent the physical place where the end customer can collect the bike purchased in our online shop; for this service, an additional source of income will be generated for the Dealer, determined by the commission that will be paid to him.

What we offer to affiliates

We want to put our Affiliates in the best conditions to work well, grow and earn, assisting them at all times and making them feel our support, our expertise and our professionalism.

For this reason, we have created a package of goods and services which comprises:

  • Area exclusive
  • Complete supply of shop furniture
  • Complete supply of the technical workshop
  • Lighted sign
  • Technical and motorsport training
  • Commercial and legal consultancy
  • Contracts necessary for carrying out the rental activity
  • Marketing consultancy
  • Supply of paper advertising material
  • Personalized technical consultancy
  • Management software
  • Access to the proprietary E-BIKE TRAVEL app
  • Opening of a dedicated section on the E-BIKE TRAVEL website
  • Access to online booking platforms
  • Supply of bikes for rental
  • Constant investment in optimizing the site's positioning on search engines

What do you need to join


Availability of a premises owned or with a rental contract of at least 5 years
Minimum surface area of 40 m2, with at least one window facing the street
Walls painted white and concrete gray or light wood imitation parquet floors
Lighting as desired including spotlights, ceiling lights and LED strips



  • No experience in the sector is necessary but enthusiasm and motivation, passion for one's work and sharing of the values that distinguish us are required: seriousness, loyalty and commitment
  • Initial investment capacity starting from €. 9,900 + VAT
  • Availability for a 5-year contractual affiliation commitment


Our affiliates


Gavirate (VA)

I was the first to believe in the E-BIKE TRAVEL project and I often wonder why I didn't make this choice sooner.


Desenzano (BS)

A choice that changed my life... Ever-increasing earnings, ever-better prospects and the satisfaction of working on my own.


Montalto Pavese (PV)

Fears, doubts, uncertainties... it's normal when you face something new. Then the decision and every day the confirmation of having done the right thing.

contact us

To receive, without obligation, more information on how to affiliate, fill out the form below.

    I authorize the storage and use of my data based on the privacy policy, and I also authorize the processing of the same to respond to my request for contact. I can withdraw my consent at any time.