After a record-breaking 2020, the great growth of the e-bike sector is confirmed also in the first half of 2021.
ANCMA, National Cycle Motorcycle Accessories Association, shows how attention to electric mobility is increasingly growing.
The record vitality triggered in 2020, with an overall +44% over 2019, does not exhaust its upward push.
ANCMA estimates speak of further growth in the period considered of at least 12%, equal to 157 thousand eBikes sold in the first half of the year.
Even at a European level there is an increasingly greater desire for electric: in 2020, over 22 million units were sold throughout Europe and the United Kingdom, with a total value of almost 18.3 billion euros.
These data, which mark the historical maximum of the last 20 years, emerge from the 2021 report by CONEBI (European Confederation of the Bicycle, E-Bike, Components and Accessories Industry) on the cycle industry and the market in Europe.
Erhard Büchel, CONEBI president, reported that “'The European industry continues its constant growth, with 2020 confirming itself as the best year since we started analyzing the data”, also underlining that “investments, including in innovation, exceeded 1.5 billion euros, compared to 1 billion euros in 2019. This has fueled unprecedented production growth across the EU”.
In this growth horizon, “le-bikes are quickly becoming the preferred choice of consumers”, underlined Manuel Marsilio, CONEBI General Director. “European citizens – added Marsilio – are selecting greener electric mobility options and this has led e-bikes to record an incredible increase in sales of the 52% in terms of value, the market has in fact jumped to 10.6 billion euros in 2020".
“The production of parts and accessories in Europe also increased in 2020, reaching €3 billion, which highlights the positive impact on the entire manufacturing value chain. However, the current situation of the global supply chain represents an important signal: we need to invest more in local production; we must invest more in Europe. Based on current projections, we expect the value of parts and accessories produced in Europe to double to €6 billion by 2025.", Büchel underlined again.
A series of new national policies focused on cycling infrastructure, driven by changes in consumer behaviour, has brought more good news for European bike and e-bike manufacturers: 3.6 of the 4.5 million e-bikes sold in the EU and UK were produced in Europe, on a percentage level we are talking about the 80%.
Furthermore, the strong performance of the bike, e-bike, components and accessories sector has boosted employment in Europe, with a solid 30% increase in employment in 2020 compared to 2019.
With an increasing number of companies strengthening their investments in Europe and deciding to bring or bring their production back to the continent, three to five jobs are created for every 1,000 bikes produced in Europe each year. For every 1,000 E-Bikes, six to nine jobs are generated.
“Our sector – concluded Marsilio – it brings tangible value to the European economy in terms of jobs, investments, entrepreneurship and innovation. Furthermore, our environmental footprint is clearly positive when it comes to the Green Economy. Local production in Europe translates into a reduction of over 2 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year”.
“The data contained in the CONEBI report – finally remarked Paolo Magri, president of Confindustria ANCMA – they tell of the moment of success of the pedal-powered two-wheeler, but at the same time demonstrate how much work the sector and the legislator still have ahead of them in valorising this growth trend, in promoting the use of bicycles, in creating opportunities for emancipation and further growth of the our productive fabric and in developing a balanced and safe cycle infrastructure that is also attractive from a tourist point of view".